Applies to
MSI MS-7501 Medion (MT7) Motherboard
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 98
Medion USA
2.54 MB
Driver Date & Version
08.03.2005 (ver.
Medion MT7 is using a MSI MS-7501 motherboard. The full model number is MSI MS-7501 Medion (MT7). This motherboard is a Medion OEM board.
On Medion USA website, in order to search and download a Medion driver, you will need to supply your Medion PC Serial Number. Here is the location where you can find your MED identification number on the back of your PC tower:

Alternatively you can do a "Full Text Search". I do not own a Medion MT7 PC myself so I tried to do this Full Text Search instead.
- Tried "MT7" -> "Unfortunately your search ( MT7 ) did not match any documents. Please try it again."
- Tried "MS-7501", same nothing returned.
- Tried "MS7501", nothing.
- Tried "7501", 2 results:
- Bios Update MS 7501 (PCB 6.1) 21.05.2010 - Version: 6.09
- Busmaster Driver Intel: Win 2000/Win 98SE/Win ME/Win XP 32bit/Win XP Media Center 08.03.2005 - Version:
- Go to
- [Customer Care] -> Left sidebar [Medion Products] -> [Downloads] -> [Drivers and Manuals]
- Key in your Medion MT7 serial number on the first text box [MED S/N-xxxxxx]
Another possible way to find the correct Windows 7 display driver is through MSI website. Since Medion MT7 is actually using an OEM motherboard from MSi, we assume the driver from MSi works in Medion MT7 as well.
So what is MSI motherboard equavalent of Medion MT7? From what I managed to find out, it is MS-7501 or K9A2GM. After searching in MSI website, there are 3 K9A2GM related driver downloads. You might want to try each of the available display driver for your Medion MT7 PC. Here is the driver download page.
Download Medion MT 7 Windows 7 Graphic Driver here.
- Windows 7 ATI Mach64 Graphic Card Driver
- Download Medion MT 7 Windows 7 Graphic Driver