Applies to
Logitech G15 Gaming/Normal Keyboards

Windows XP, Windows Vista and Mac OS X



14.60 MB

Driver Date & Version
5/11/2009 (ver. 3.02.173)


According to Logitech website there are currently three OSes supported for its G15 keyboard: Windows XP, Windows Vista and Mac OS X. The driver file is labeled as [Game Panel Software] and from the look of it I guess the name came from the fact that it offers LCD applets (panels) for gaming purpose.

I have compared the download links for both Windows Vista and Windows XP drivers and both driver files appeared to be the same address and file, although Logitech listed the drivers for Windows XP and Windows Vista as separate downloads. FYI this is the 32 bit version.

Below is a list of features supported by this driver. After installing the driver you will be able to see:

Included Dual Mode LCD Applets LCD Clock

LCD Countdown Timer

LCD Media Player

LCD Performance Monitor

LCD POP3 Monitor

LCD RSS Reader

Included Color Only LCD Applets LCD Movie Viewer

LCD Picture Viewer

LCD Video Player for YouTube

LUA Scripting changes Scripting now works properly on the G13.

Added an additional LUA function; SetMKeyState.

G-Key and M-key events can now distinguish between G-series keyboards and the G13.

The OutputLCDMessage function now correctly interprets the delay in seconds.

G-series Key Profiler Changes Added an additional function macro to assign G-keys to M1 M2 or M3.
SDK Changes Fixed critical section leak in the CLCDConnection class
SideShow Changes The G-series LCD (color and monochrome) is now supported as a Microsoft SideShow device on Windows Vista.

Support for Microsoft Sideshow has been re-enabled for 64-bit Windows Vista.

Applets The volume display should now show on the LCD when changing volume.

Should work with the 3.1 patch of World of Warcraft.

New Features Introducing the LCD Applet Finder for easier applet navigation.

Download Logitech G15 Drivers here.

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