Applies to
Pinnacle Dazzle DCS200 SD/MMC/CF/MS Memory Card readers.
Windows 98, ME, 2000, Vista, XP
280 KB
Driver Date & Version
9/24/2002 (ver. 5.12)

As usual, for Windows 98 SE and Windows 2000, you will need to install driver before you can use this USB multiple card reader. For Windows XP and Vista you will find the build in driver installed automatically when you plug in your Dazzle SD card reader for the first time.
This driver update is released to solve the compatibility problem with Lexar Media branded memory sticks. The update will flash your Dazzle card firmware to version 5.12.
To install the new patch, download and open the zipped driver file. Open the folder where you have unzipped the driver files and run Flashit.exe, This will begin the flash upgrade process.
SCM FlashIt Utility v1.06 for "Dazzle DCS200 Card Reader"
- Before begining the flash upgrade process, it will be necessary to install the Dazzle DCS200 Card Reader driver software if you have not already done so. Driver software installation is necessary on Windows 98SE and 2000, but is not necessary on Windows Me and XP. For more information on driver software installation, please refer to the User's Manual provided on the Dazzle DCS200 installation CD-ROM.
- Begin by decompressing the "" file into a location of your choice.
- Connect the Dazzle DCS200 to your computer's USB port and ensure that the card reader is recognized by the system. If the card reader is recognized correctly, you should receive two "Removable Disk" drive letters in either "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer".
NOTE: It is recommended, but not required that the Dazzle DCS200 be the only USB device connected to the system with a minimal number of accompanying USB devices. If possible the Dazzle DCS200 should be connected directly to the PC instead of a USB Hub.
- Now, remove any digital media cards from the Dazzle DCS200 Card Reader. If a digital media card is inserted in the Card Reader while running the flash upgrade utility, the data on the media may be lost and/or corrupted.
- Locate the folder where you decompressed the "" file.
- Double-click the "Flashit.exe" file located within the folder. This will begin the flash upgrade process.
NOTE: While using the flash upgrade utility, do not shutdown the computer or disconnect the Dazzle DCS200 until all download operations are complete.
- A user dialog will appear on the desktop showing progress of the download operation. Because the Dazzle DCS200 Card Reader contains 2 separate digital media slots, the "FlashIt" utility will need to download two sets of firmware code for each of the media slots respectively.
- After the first set firmware has completed, the text "Download Completed Successfully" will appear directly above the progress bar. click the "Next" button to begin the next download (second set of firmware).
- During the second Download operation, a prompt may appear requesting the location of the "EUSBDFU.sys" driver. Provide the path to the same folder where FlashIt.exe resides as the "EUSBDFU.sys" file will also be located in this folder. This is only a transitional driver for upgrading the Dazzle DCS200 Card Reader.
NOTE: Windows XP users, during the installation of the EUSBDM DFU adapter another message will appear. This message states that the drivers have not yet passed Windows XP Logo testing. This driver has been extensively tested in Windows XP and should be safe to use. Choose the option to "Continue Anyway".
- Once the second download operation has completed successfully, once again the text "Download Completed successfully will appear directly above the progress bar. This indicates that the Dazzle DCS200 Card Reader has successfully been upgraded with the latest revision of firmware code available. Click the "Close" button to complete the flash upgrade and exit out of the FlashIt utility.
Additional Notes: Once the Dazzle DCS200 Card Reader has been successfully upgraded, you may find that 2 new files have been created. These are backup files of the previous versions of the firmware originally in the Dazzle DCS200 Card Reader. These are mainly for reference purposes or in case there should ever be a need to restore the product to its original form.
Download Dazzle SD Card Reader Drivers here.
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