Applies to
US Robotics USR5422 802.11g 54 Mbps USB Adapter (USR5470 Wireless Network Starter Kit)

Windows 2000, Windows XP

US Robotics


7.40 MB

Driver Date & Version
01-05-06 (ver.


If you are looking for USR805422 in US Robotics driver download page, you will not find it. All the available USR80542X driver available in the page are:

  1. USR805421
  2. USR805423
  3. USR805425
  4. USR805426

Anyhow, by using the helpful guide on how to recognize US Robotics model numbers from this page, I have guessed the driver download page for US Robotics USR805422 correctly. The page is

Available driver is for Windows 2000 and Windows XP. By the way, users can download the archived original Driver and Configuration Utility which was dated back to year 2004 from the page too.

Driver Download and Installation

  1. Download the USR5422-v3.3.36.0.exe file to a temporary location on your computer hard disk drive such as C:/temp.
  2. Double-click the USR5422-v3.3.36.0.exe file.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.

Download US Robotics USR805422 Driver here.

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