Applies to
Samsung SPH A900 Camera Phone

Windows 98/2K/XP



1301.00 KB

Driver Date & Version
29 May 2007 (ver. 1.0)


This SAMSUNG Mobile USB Device II 1.0 drivers are extracted from SPH-A900 Contacts Copier (ver.1.2) available on Samsung download website. Why? Because Samsung does not provide standalone driver download for Samsung SPH-A900. Only ONE download available which is SPH-A900 Contacts Copier (ver.1.2).

After I downloaded the SPH-A900 Contacts Copier (ver.1.2) and installed to my system, I browsed to the following directory and found some USB drivers:

C:\\Program Files\\SAMSUNG\\Samsung Contacts Copier\\USB Drivers

There are three directories under that folder, namely 1, 2, 3 and HSP. I have included ALL of them in the driver file. Feel free to try each of them (I suggest try 1 and 2 first as I found that they are most probably what you are looking for).

Here are some information of the SPH-A900 USB driver for each directory:

First Directory - 1

  1. ss_mdmw.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem 1.0 Drivers (WDM) on Win9x
  2. ss_mdmv.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem 1.0 Drivers (VCOMM
  3. ss_mdm2.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem 1.0 Drivers (WDM) on Win2000/XP
  4. ss_bus.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Device 1.0 drivers

Second Directory - 2

  1. ssm_serv.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Port II 1.0 Drivers (VCOMM)
  2. ssm_ser2.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Port II 1.0 Drivers (WDM) on Win2000/XP
  3. ssm_mdmw.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem II 1.0 Drivers (WDM) on Win9x/Me
  4. ssm_mdmv.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem II 1.0 Drivers (VCOMM)
  5. ssm_mdm2.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem II 1.0 Drivers (WDM) on Win2000/XP
  6. ssm_bus.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Device II 1.0 drivers
  7. ssm_serw.inf - Install the SAMSUNG Mobile USB Port II 1.0 Drivers (WDM) on Win9x/Me

Third Directory - 3 (apparently for CDMA version of SPH-A900)

  1. sscdvxd.inf - Install the SAMSUNG CDMA Modem (VCOMM)
  2. sscdsdmw.inf - Install the SAMSUNG CDMA Modem Diagnostic Serial Port Drivers (WDM) on Win9x
  3. sscdsdmv.inf - Install the SAMSUNG CDMA Modem Diagnostic Serial Port Drivers (VCOMM)
  4. sscdsdm2.inf - Install the SAMSUNG CDMA Modem Diagnostic Serial Port Drivers (WDM) on Win2000
  5. sscdbus.inf - Install the SAMSUNG USB Composite Device drivers
  6. sscdwdm.inf - Install the SAMSUNG CDMA Modem (WDM) on Win9x
  7. sscdw2k.inf - Install the SAMSUNG CDMA Modem (WDM) on Win2000

Download Samsung SPH-A900 USB Driver here.

4 thoughts on “Samsung SPH-A900 USB Driver

  • carlos October 5, 2008 10:27 am #

    good software

  • Michael Ray January 3, 2009 1:19 am #

    Do you know which driver would be required to take picture off the Glyde via USB?

  • deepak ghodinde October 10, 2009 2:04 pm #

    pls. send me drivers for cdma samsung mobile SCH-B239

  • anberlin June 18, 2010 10:40 am #

    descargar drivers de Samsung sph-a900


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