Applies to
Pinnacle Studio version 8

Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows 98SE

Pinnacle Systems


16.91 MB

Driver Date & Version
3/23/2004 (ver. 8.12.7)


Please be noted that the Studio8_12_7.exe file is labeled as PATCH update for Pinnacle Studio 8 software. It is recommended that you install this update for all previous versions of Studio 8.

I think this is the latest and last update for Pinnacle Studio version 8. There are no other newer updates listed on Pinnacle website for Studio 8. For your information, Pinnacle Studio is now (as of time of writing) version 12. If you find your Studio software lack some features, maybe it is time to upgrade your Studio 8 software to the latest version 12?

New in Studio 8.12.7 Update

  1. Video captured at half frame rate can now be rendered
  2. Studio projects with inconsistent internal data rejected in Studio 8.10 are now repaired
  3. Two menus can now point to the same chapter
  4. Frames grabbed from movie and added to movie no longer get lost after editing them in the tilter
  5. Minimal MPEG rendering now works properly for VCD files
  6. Improved capture error messages
  7. Capture time available is now updated when Format buttons are used to change between MPEG and DV capture for MovieBox DV
  8. Improved MPEG import compatibility
  9. Studio can now use an MP3 file that is already open in Windows Media Player
  10. Files with audio sample rates other than 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz can now be used in projects to be output through Studio Deluxe
  11. Improved performance in movies which use a large number of MPEG2 source files
  12. Fixed problem which sometimes caused chapter points on DVD projects to be moved to near the end of a chapter, so that most of the chapter was skipped when played back on a DVD
  13. Fixed A/V sync problems introduced by use of both AVI and MPEG in a movie
  14. Fixed A/V sync problems after video transitions in rendered video
  15. Added more DVD burner support
  16. Some Failed to compile errors have been fixed
  17. Improved stability in some burning operations
  18. Fixed Deko/alpha magic crash in studio when Edition is installed

Download Pinnacle Studio 8 Update here.

4 thoughts on “Pinnacle Studio 8 Update

  • peyman April 19, 2009 11:47 pm #


  • sanjay April 25, 2013 1:07 pm #

    problem in instaling hardeare driver


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