Applies to
Panaonic WORKiO DP-3510, 4510, 6010 Digital Imaging Systems

Windows 98, Me, NT4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista


dg6mxpae051124.exe (Windows XP

1.11 MB

Driver Date & Version
11/24/2005 (ver. 5.16.000)


Both GDI Printer Driver and PDL Printer Driver for Panasonic WORKiO DP-3510, 4510, 6010 system are pointing the the same download path. However, their driver setup file are different.

Before downloading from Panasonic website, you must read and understand the terms of agreement before you download the driver.

After pressing YES you will be redirected to a page where you can find GDI Printer Driver, PDL Printer Driver and Adobe PostScript Printer Driver for different languages and location.

After select the type of driver, language and location, you will then select what Microsoft Windows OS you will run Panasonic WORKiO DP-3510. Example here is using Windows XP.

The download file is a self-extracting executable file and can be extracted by executing the downloaded file.

Download Panasonic DP 3510 Driver here.

2 thoughts on “Panasonic DP 3510 Driver

  • Ko Yang March 26, 2009 10:51 am #

    Hello there,
    I just bought Toshiba computer, which has window vista and I am trying to down load a driver software to my copier/printer Panasonic workio dp 4510. I have not computer experience and don’t know which how to down load. Could any one please tell me how to down load the a printer driver that will be workable with my dp 4510 for window vista. Thank you.

  • Michael April 11, 2009 5:20 am #

    Email me for some detail problem, Ko Yang.
    – Michael –


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