Applies to
Maxtor Personal Storage 3200 USB External Harddisk.

Windows 98



1.88 MB

Driver Date & Version
9/6/2004 (ver. 7.01)


If you are using Windows 98 and wish to use Maxtor 3200 Personal Storage exteral harddisk, you can try download and install this USB driver. It will enable your Maxtor 3200 to communicate with your Windows 98 PC.

For Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista, the build in USB 2.0 driver is able to do that, so no driver is needed.

Download Maxtor 3200 USB Driver here.

6 thoughts on “Maxtor 3200 USB Driver

  • Gerrit December 27, 2008 7:29 am #

    Thanks a lot!

  • hantu January 12, 2009 11:07 am #


  • Peter March 20, 2010 1:29 am #

    When I plug my maxtor 3200 external hard drive to my labtop or my pc using the usb port neither one reads as a plug n play. I’ve tried everything and can’t figure out why its not working, can someone please help?

  • eigenswing July 26, 2010 1:02 am #

    i’m trying to install this on my lenovo with win xp, and got an message that this is for win98 only… is that supposed to be a problem? any advice on how I may get this maxtor 3200 work on an xp? or is it supposed to work automatically on xp?

    thanks much….

  • admin July 26, 2010 1:22 am #

    Maxtor USB drive is supposed to be working automatically on Windows XP. Perhaps you should make sure all your current XP device drivers are up to date. I would say try update your Lenovo motherboard driver 1st.

  • Maxtor_enculé August 24, 2010 3:19 pm #

    Il est ou le bouton télécharger ? !


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