Applies to
Airlink AWLC6070 150N Wireless Cardbus Adapter, AWLH6070 150N Wireless PCI Adapter, AWLL6070 150N Wireless USB Adapter

Windows 98, ME, 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista

Airlink 101


12.60 MB

Driver Date & Version
6/23/2008 (ver. 1.0)


When you are looking for Airlink 101 150N drivers, there are three choices from Airlink 101 website:

  1. Airlink AWLC6070 150N Wireless Cardbus Adapter
  2. Airlink AWLH6070 150N Wireless PCI Adapter
  3. AWLL6070 150N Wireless USB Adapter

From the looks of them, I think basically they are all the same, using same chipsets but only with different interfaces (cardbus, PCI or USB).

The download page is listing three sub download pages for the above mentioned Airlink 150N devices. Please pick the one suitable for your device and download.

Download Airlink 150n Drivers here.

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